
She is a sixteen year old student usually seen with her brown hair worn down outside the school and at home. Mika is occasionally seen wearing her school uniform and other various casual clothes, but never adorns herself with anything too out of the normal, leaving her appearance rather fitting and common.


Mika is shown to be an apathetic and somewhat rude to her younger sister and parents. She likes to have fun and hang out with her ​friends at Cyberia. At first, she doesn't seem to mind her family away from home and spends all day talking with them. When she gets her mind trapped in the wired her physical self becomes a near empty hollow shell. With now and then delivering messages.

Name: Mika Iwakura


  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 16
  • Birthday: March 21
  • Personality: ESTJ - 8w7
  • Occupation: Student